Saturday, November 11, 2006

this week's mission

Monday 7:43am

Alright. My brother from another mother, TBone Stallone, has issued a challenge. He is tired of the festival of mutual hand-jobs that some blogs have become. As a result, he is now out to "terrorize". In his own words "I'm going to hit 10 new blogs a day and make... 10 rude comments on them. I challenge my blog pals to do the same".

Being that I have no free will of my own I will slavishly follow. I plan on hitting the most heartless and soulless blogs I can find and leaving them a personal "how do you do." Right off the bat when I think of the terms "heartless" and "soulless" I think of two things - Republicans and dog shit. I already have a few blogs targeted but if any of you have run into any other douchebag blogs that meet the above criteria (or any other asshole blogs) email me and let me know if you'd like them to feel my toothless bite.

I was initially planning on launching Operation: I May Be Retarded But You Have No Soul, on Sunday night. However plans have changed and I now want to get started closer to Wednesday night.

I'll provide further detail later on as I am running late for work now and I have to leave before they fire my dumb ass.

Later Skaters!


lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

mhmmm.... *bats eyelashes*

Unknown said...


Nicki said...

I'm neither Republication nor dog shit. Take it easy on me.