Friday, April 27, 2007

pics of trips

I'm at a loss for what to write so I thought I'd share some pics from my travels. This here is a pic from my trip to North Korea. Before my departure from Toronto, I dubbed the trip "40 ho's in 40 nights". Unfortunately I fell 39 short of the mark.

Here is a pic from my trip to Antarctica. I went there to watch the summer Olympics. This pic was taken at a beach volleyball game. The player waving to us is from some Scandinavian country, I cant remember exactly which, I think it may have been El Salvador. I actually met her at a market the day before and was considering sleeping with her until I saw her in a bikini and realised she was more man than I'd ever be.

Here are a couple of pics of Atlantis before it became submerged in water. I think I was the party responsible for its annihilation. In the bathroom of my hotel room I came across a button that said "do not press". I pressed it. We sank. Woopsee.

this, here, 2nd pic was the view looking up from my hotel room pool. If you looked straight down you'd catch a view the Mediterranean. It was wonderous to take in its natural unadulterated beauty. Me and this East German bitch use to get high here every day.


lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

hey uh.. i tried emailing you but it bounced back. email me ? you still have my address right ?

The Boob Lady said...

There's my Hootch. Looks like you had fun. Sorry about the whole 39 short thing... :)

Lily said...

Nice pics....I especially like the first one.

Nicki said...

ZOMG!! Now we know what you look like and we can go to Canada and stalk you!!

Unknown said...

well, i was going to say what boob, me, AND freak mag said.....

LadyHAHA said...

wow. lucky. Those pictures look awesome.